Emergent Mind

Soft Tensegrity Systems for Planetary Landing and Exploration

Published Mar 24, 2020 in cs.RO , cs.SY , and eess.SY


During the last decade, tensegrity systems have been the focus of numerous investigations exploring the possibility of adopting them for planetary landing and exploration applications. Early approaches mainly focused on locomotion aspects related to tensegrity systems, where mobility was achieved by actuating the cable members of the system. Later efforts focused on understanding energy storage mechanisms of tensegrity systems undergoing landing events. More precisely, it was shown that under highly dynamic events, buckling of individual members of a tensegrity structure does not necessarily imply structural failure, suggesting that efficient structural design of planetary landers could be achieved by allowing its compression members to buckle. In this work, we combine both aspects of previous research on tensegrity structures, showing a possible lattice-like structural configuration able to withstand impact events, store pre-impact kinetic energy, and utilize a part of that energy for the locomotion process. Our work shows the feasibility of this proposed approach via both experimental and computational means.

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