Emergent Mind

An Uncoupled Training Architecture for Large Graph Learning

Published Mar 21, 2020 in cs.LG , cs.SI , and stat.ML


Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) has been widely used in graph learning tasks. However, GCN-based models (GCNs) is an inherently coupled training framework repetitively conducting the complex neighboring aggregation, which leads to the limitation of flexibility in processing large-scale graph. With the depth of layers increases, the computational and memory cost of GCNs grow explosively due to the recursive neighborhood expansion. To tackle these issues, we present Node2Grids, a flexible uncoupled training framework that leverages the independent mapped data for obtaining the embedding. Instead of directly processing the coupled nodes as GCNs, Node2Grids supports a more efficacious method in practice, mapping the coupled graph data into the independent grid-like data which can be fed into the efficient Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). This simple but valid strategy significantly saves memory and computational resource while achieving comparable results with the leading GCN-based models. Specifically, by ranking each node's influence through degree, Node2Grids selects the most influential first-order as well as second-order neighbors with central node fusion information to construct the grid-like data. For further improving the efficiency of downstream tasks, a simple CNN-based neural network is employed to capture the significant information from the mapped grid-like data. Moreover, the grid-level attention mechanism is implemented, which enables implicitly specifying the different weights for neighboring nodes with different influences. In addition to the typical transductive and inductive learning tasks, we also verify our framework on million-scale graphs to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed Node2Grids model against the state-of-the-art GCN-based approaches.

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