Emergent Mind

Dynamic Distribution-Sensitive Point Location

Published Mar 18, 2020 in cs.CG and cs.DS


We propose a dynamic data structure for the distribution-sensitive point location problem. Suppose that there is a fixed query distribution in $\mathbb{R}2$, and we are given an oracle that can return in $O(1)$ time the probability of a query point falling into a polygonal region of constant complexity. We can maintain a convex subdivision $\cal S$ with $n$ vertices such that each query is answered in $O(\mathrm{OPT})$ expected time, where OPT is the minimum expected time of the best linear decision tree for point location in $\cal S$. The space and construction time are $O(n\log2 n)$. An update of $\cal S$ as a mixed sequence of $k$ edge insertions and deletions takes $O(k\log5 n)$ amortized time. As a corollary, the randomized incremental construction of the Voronoi diagram of $n$ sites can be performed in $O(n\log5 n)$ expected time so that, during the incremental construction, a nearest neighbor query at any time can be answered optimally with respect to the intermediate Voronoi diagram at that time.

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