Emergent Mind


In this paper, we study the effects of several Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) modifications for video game testing. Although MCTS modifications are highly studied in game playing, their impacts on finding bugs are blank. We focused on bug finding in our previous study where we introduced synthetic and human-like test goals and we used these test goals in Sarsa and MCTS agents to find bugs. In this study, we extend the MCTS agent with several modifications for game testing purposes. Furthermore, we present a novel tree reuse strategy. We experiment with these modifications by testing them on three testbed games, four levels each, that contain 45 bugs in total. We use the General Video Game Artificial Intelligence (GVG-AI) framework to create the testbed games and collect 427 human tester trajectories using the GVG-AI framework. We analyze the proposed modifications in three parts: we evaluate their effects on bug finding performances of agents, we measure their success under two different computational budgets, and we assess their effects on human-likeness of the human-like agent. Our results show that MCTS modifications improve the bug finding performance of the agents.

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