Emergent Mind

SlimConv: Reducing Channel Redundancy in Convolutional Neural Networks by Weights Flipping

Published Mar 16, 2020 in cs.CV , cs.LG , and eess.IV


The channel redundancy in feature maps of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) results in the large consumption of memories and computational resources. In this work, we design a novel Slim Convolution (SlimConv) module to boost the performance of CNNs by reducing channel redundancies. Our SlimConv consists of three main steps: Reconstruct, Transform and Fuse, through which the features are splitted and reorganized in a more efficient way, such that the learned weights can be compressed effectively. In particular, the core of our model is a weight flipping operation which can largely improve the feature diversities, contributing to the performance crucially. Our SlimConv is a plug-and-play architectural unit which can be used to replace convolutional layers in CNNs directly. We validate the effectiveness of SlimConv by conducting comprehensive experiments on ImageNet, MS COCO2014, Pascal VOC2012 segmentation, and Pascal VOC2007 detection datasets. The experiments show that SlimConv-equipped models can achieve better performances consistently, less consumption of memory and computation resources than non-equipped conterparts. For example, the ResNet-101 fitted with SlimConv achieves 77.84% top-1 classification accuracy with 4.87 GFLOPs and 27.96M parameters on ImageNet, which shows almost 0.5% better performance with about 3 GFLOPs and 38% parameters reduced.

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