Emergent Mind

Metrics for Evaluating the Efficiency of Compressing Sensing Techniques

Published Mar 16, 2020 in cs.IT , eess.SP , and math.IT


Compressive sensing has been receiving a great deal of interest from researchers in many areas because of its ability in speeding up data acquisition. This framework allows fast signal acquisition and compression when signals are sparse in some domains. It extracts the main information from high dimensional sparse signals using only a few samples, then the sparse signals are recovered from the few measurements. There are two main points to consider when it comes to using compressive sensing. The first one is how to design the linear measurement matrix to ensure that the compressive sensing is meeting the objectives of the application. The second is how to recover the sparse signal from few measurements. Performing compressive sensing requires analyzing and investigating the efficiency of the measurement matrix and the recovery algorithm. To date, constructing explicit measurement matrices and developing efficient recovery algorithms are still open challenges in applications. Thus, this paper describes metrics to evaluate the performance of compressive sensing techniques.

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