Emergent Mind

Hitting Long Directed Cycles is Fixed-Parameter Tractable

Published Mar 11, 2020 in cs.DS


In the Directed Long Cycle Hitting Set} problem we are given a directed graph $G$, and the task is to find a set $S$ of at most $k$ vertices/arcs such that $G-S$ has no cycle of length longer than $\ell$. We show that the problem can be solved in time $2{\mathcal O(\ell k3\log k + k5\log k\log\ell)}\cdot n{\mathcal O(1)}$, that is, it is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) parameterized by $k$ and $\ell$. This algorithm can be seen as a far-reaching generalization of the fixed-parameter tractability of {\sc Mixed Graph Feedback Vertex Set} [Bonsma and Lokshtanov WADS 2011], which is already a common generalization of the fixed-parameter tractability of (undirected) {\sc Feedback Vertex Set} and the {\sc Directed Feedback Vertex Set} problems, two classic results in parameterized algorithms. The algorithm requires significant insights into the structure of graphs without directed cycles length longer than $\ell$ and can be seen as an exact version of the approximation algorithm following from the Erd{\H{o}}s-P{\'o}sa property for long cycles in directed graphs proved by Kreutzer and Kawarabayashi [STOC 2015].

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