Emergent Mind

A Multi-view Perspective of Self-supervised Learning

Published Feb 22, 2020 in cs.CV , cs.LG , and stat.ML


As a newly emerging unsupervised learning paradigm, self-supervised learning (SSL) recently gained widespread attention, which usually introduces a pretext task without manual annotation of data. With its help, SSL effectively learns the feature representation beneficial for downstream tasks. Thus the pretext task plays a key role. However, the study of its design, especially its essence currently is still open. In this paper, we borrow a multi-view perspective to decouple a class of popular pretext tasks into a combination of view data augmentation (VDA) and view label classification (VLC), where we attempt to explore the essence of such pretext task while providing some insights into its design. Specifically, a simple multi-view learning framework is specially designed (SSL-MV), which assists the feature learning of downstream tasks (original view) through the same tasks on the augmented views. SSL-MV focuses on VDA while abandons VLC, empirically uncovering that it is VDA rather than generally considered VLC that dominates the performance of such SSL. Additionally, thanks to replacing VLC with VDA tasks, SSL-MV also enables an integrated inference combining the predictions from the augmented views, further improving the performance. Experiments on several benchmark datasets demonstrate its advantages.

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