Emergent Mind

On the Area Requirements of Planar Greedy Drawings of Triconnected Planar Graphs

Published Mar 1, 2020 in cs.CG , cs.DM , cs.DS , and math.CO


In this paper we study the area requirements of planar greedy drawings of triconnected planar graphs. Cao, Strelzoff, and Sun exhibited a family $\cal H$ of subdivisions of triconnected plane graphs and claimed that every planar greedy drawing of the graphs in $\mathcal H$ respecting the prescribed plane embedding requires exponential area. However, we show that every $n$-vertex graph in $\cal H$ actually has a planar greedy drawing respecting the prescribed plane embedding on an $O(n)\times O(n)$ grid. This reopens the question whether triconnected planar graphs admit planar greedy drawings on a polynomial-size grid. Further, we provide evidence for a positive answer to the above question by proving that every $n$-vertex Halin graph admits a planar greedy drawing on an $O(n)\times O(n)$ grid. Both such results are obtained by actually constructing drawings that are convex and angle-monotone. Finally, we consider $\alpha$-Schnyder drawings, which are angle-monotone and hence greedy if $\alpha\leq 30\circ$, and show that there exist planar triangulations for which every $\alpha$-Schnyder drawing with a fixed $\alpha<60\circ$ requires exponential area for any resolution rule.

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