Emergent Mind


Differential Evolution (DE) is quite powerful for real parameter single objective optimization. However, the ability of extending or changing search area when falling into a local optimum is still required to be developed in DE for accommodating extremely complicated fitness landscapes with a huge number of local optima. We propose a new flow of DE, termed DE with individuals redistribution, in which a process of individuals redistribution will be called when progress on fitness is low for generations. In such a process, mutation and crossover are standardized, while trial vectors are all kept in selection. Once diversity exceeds a predetermined threshold, our opposition replacement is executed, then algorithm behavior returns to original mode. In our experiments based on two benchmark test suites, we apply individuals redistribution in ten DE algorithms. Versions of the ten DE algorithms based on individuals redistribution are compared with not only original version but also version based on complete restart, where individuals redistribution and complete restart are based on the same entry criterion. Experimental results indicate that, for most of the DE algorithms, version based on individuals redistribution performs better than both original version and version based on complete restart.

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