Emergent Mind

Hierarchical Memory Decoding for Video Captioning

Published Feb 27, 2020 in cs.CV


Recent advances of video captioning often employ a recurrent neural network (RNN) as the decoder. However, RNN is prone to diluting long-term information. Recent works have demonstrated memory network (MemNet) has the advantage of storing long-term information. However, as the decoder, it has not been well exploited for video captioning. The reason partially comes from the difficulty of sequence decoding with MemNet. Instead of the common practice, i.e., sequence decoding with RNN, in this paper, we devise a novel memory decoder for video captioning. Concretely, after obtaining representation of each frame through a pre-trained network, we first fuse the visual and lexical information. Then, at each time step, we construct a multi-layer MemNet-based decoder, i.e., in each layer, we employ a memory set to store previous information and an attention mechanism to select the information related to the current input. Thus, this decoder avoids the dilution of long-term information. And the multi-layer architecture is helpful for capturing dependencies between frames and word sequences. Experimental results show that even without the encoding network, our decoder still could obtain competitive performance and outperform the performance of RNN decoder. Furthermore, compared with one-layer RNN decoder, our decoder has fewer parameters.

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