Emergent Mind


In this paper, we study the distributed computational capabilities of device-to-device (D2D) networks. A key characteristic of D2D networks is that their topologies are reconfigurable to cope with network demands. For distributed computing, resource management is challenging due to limited network and communication resources, leading to inter-channel interference. To overcome this, recent research has addressed the problems of wireless scheduling, subchannel allocation, power allocation, and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) signal design, but has not considered them jointly. In this paper, unlike previous mobile edge computing (MEC) approaches, we propose a joint optimization of wireless MIMO signal design and network resource allocation to maximize energy efficiency. Given that the resulting problem is a non-convex mixed integer program (MIP) which is prohibitive to solve at scale, we decompose its solution into two parts: (i) a resource allocation subproblem, which optimizes the link selection and subchannel allocations, and (ii) MIMO signal design subproblem, which optimizes the transmit beamformer, transmit power, and receive combiner. Simulation results using wireless edge topologies show that our method yields substantial improvements in energy efficiency compared with cases of no offloading and partially optimized methods and that the efficiency scales well with the size of the network.

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