Emergent Mind

New bounds for perfect $k$-hashing

Published Feb 25, 2020 in math.CO , cs.IT , and math.IT


Let $C\subseteq {1,\ldots,k}n$ be such that for any $k$ distinct elements of $C$ there exists a coordinate where they all differ simultaneously. Fredman and Koml\'os studied upper and lower bounds on the largest cardinality of such a set $C$, in particular proving that as $n\to\infty$, $|C|\leq \exp(n k!/k{k-1}+o(n))$. Improvements over this result where first derived by different authors for $k=4$. More recently, Guruswami and Riazanov showed that the coefficient $k!/k{k-1}$ is certainly not tight for any $k>3$, although they could only determine explicit improvements for $k=5,6$. For larger $k$, their method gives numerical values modulo a conjecture on the maxima of certain polynomials. In this paper, we first prove their conjecture, completing the explicit computation of an improvement over the Fredman-Koml\'os bound for any $k$. Then, we develop a different method which gives substantial improvements for $k=5,6$.

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