Emergent Mind

Cross-layer Feature Pyramid Network for Salient Object Detection

Published Feb 25, 2020 in cs.CV and eess.IV


Feature pyramid network (FPN) based models, which fuse the semantics and salient details in a progressive manner, have been proven highly effective in salient object detection. However, it is observed that these models often generate saliency maps with incomplete object structures or unclear object boundaries, due to the \emph{indirect} information propagation among distant layers that makes such fusion structure less effective. In this work, we propose a novel Cross-layer Feature Pyramid Network (CFPN), in which direct cross-layer communication is enabled to improve the progressive fusion in salient object detection. Specifically, the proposed network first aggregates multi-scale features from different layers into feature maps that have access to both the high- and low-level information. Then, it distributes the aggregated features to all the involved layers to gain access to richer context. In this way, the distributed features per layer own both semantics and salient details from all other layers simultaneously, and suffer reduced loss of important information. Extensive experimental results over six widely used salient object detection benchmarks and with three popular backbones clearly demonstrate that CFPN can accurately locate fairly complete salient regions and effectively segment the object boundaries.

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