Emergent Mind

Abstractive Snippet Generation

Published Feb 25, 2020 in cs.IR and cs.CL


An abstractive snippet is an originally created piece of text to summarize a web page on a search engine results page. Compared to the conventional extractive snippets, which are generated by extracting phrases and sentences verbatim from a web page, abstractive snippets circumvent copyright issues; even more interesting is the fact that they open the door for personalization. Abstractive snippets have been evaluated as equally powerful in terms of user acceptance and expressivenessbut the key question remains: Can abstractive snippets be automatically generated with sufficient quality? This paper introduces a new approach to abstractive snippet generation: We identify the first two large-scale sources for distant supervision, namely anchor contexts and web directories. By mining the entire ClueWeb09 and ClueWeb12 for anchor contexts and by utilizing the DMOZ Open Directory Project, we compile the Webis Abstractive Snippet Corpus 2020, comprising more than 3.5 million triples of the form $\langle$query, snippet, document$\rangle$ as training examples, where the snippet is either an anchor context or a web directory description in lieu of a genuine query-biased abstractive snippet of the web document. We propose a bidirectional abstractive snippet generation model and assess the quality of both our corpus and the generated abstractive snippets with standard measures, crowdsourcing, and in comparison to the state of the art. The evaluation shows that our novel data sources along with the proposed model allow for producing usable query-biased abstractive snippets while minimizing text reuse.

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