Emergent Mind

Propose, Test, Release: Differentially private estimation with high probability

Published Feb 19, 2020 in stat.ML , cs.CR , cs.LG , math.ST , and stat.TH


We derive concentration inequalities for differentially private median and mean estimators building on the "Propose, Test, Release" (PTR) mechanism introduced by Dwork and Lei (2009). We introduce a new general version of the PTR mechanism that allows us to derive high probability error bounds for differentially private estimators. Our algorithms provide the first statistical guarantees for differentially private estimation of the median and mean without any boundedness assumptions on the data, and without assuming that the target population parameter lies in some known bounded interval. Our procedures do not rely on any truncation of the data and provide the first sub-Gaussian high probability bounds for differentially private median and mean estimation, for possibly heavy tailed random variables.

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