Emergent Mind


Given an undirected graph $G$ and integers $c$ and $k$, the Maximum Edge-Colorable Subgraph problem asks whether we can delete at most $k$ edges in $G$ to obtain a graph that has a proper edge coloring with at most $c$ colors. We show that Maximum Edge-Colorable Subgraph admits, for every fixed $c$, a linear-size problem kernel when parameterized by the edge deletion distance of $G$ to a graph with maximum degree $c-1$. This parameterization measures the distance to instances that, due to Vizing's famous theorem, are trivial yes-instances. For $c\le 4$, we also provide a linear-size kernel for the same parameterization for Multi Strong Triadic Closure, a related edge coloring problem with applications in social network analysis. We provide further results for Maximum Edge-Colorable Subgraph parameterized by the vertex deletion distance to graphs where every component has order at most $c$ and for the list-colored versions of both problems.

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