Emergent Mind

Eccentricity terrain of $δ$-hyperbolic graphs

Published Feb 19, 2020 in cs.DM and cs.DS


A graph $G=(V,E)$ is $\delta$-hyperbolic if for any four vertices $u,v,w,x$, the two larger of the three distance sums $d(u,v)+d(w,x)$, $d(u,w)+d(v,x)$, and $d(u,x)+d(v,w)$ differ by at most $2\delta \geq 0$. Recent work shows that many real-world graphs have small hyperbolicity $\delta$. This paper describes the eccentricity terrain of a $\delta$-hyperbolic graph. The eccentricity function $eG(v)=\max{d(v,u) : u \in V}$ partitions the vertex set of $G$ into eccentricity layers $C{k}(G) = {v \in V : e(v)=rad(G)+k}$, $k \in \mathbb{N}$, where $rad(G)=\min{eG(v): v\in V}$ is the radius of $G$. The paper studies the eccentricity layers of vertices along shortest paths, identifying such terrain features as hills, plains, valleys, terraces, and plateaus. It introduces the notion of $\beta$-pseudoconvexity, which implies Gromov's $\epsilon$-quasiconvexity, and illustrates the abundance of pseudoconvex sets in $\delta$-hyperbolic graphs. In particular, it shows that all sets $C{\leq k}(G)={v\in V : eG(v) \leq rad(G) + k}$, $k\in \mathbb{N}$, are $(2\delta-1)$-pseudoconvex. Additionally, several bounds on the eccentricity of a vertex are obtained which yield a few approaches to efficiently approximating all eccentricities. An $O(\delta |E|)$ time eccentricity approximation $\hat{e}(v)$, for all $v\in V$, is presented that uses distances to two mutually distant vertices and satisfies $eG(v)-2\delta \leq \hat{e}(v) \leq {eG}(v)$. It also shows existence of two eccentricity approximating spanning trees $T$, one constructible in $O(\delta |E|)$ time and the other in $O(|E|)$ time, which satisfy ${e}G(v) \leq eT(v) \leq {e}G(v)+4\delta+1$ and ${e}G(v) \leq eT(v) \leq {e}_G(v)+6\delta$, respectively. Thus, the eccentricity terrain of a tree gives a good approximation (up-to an additive error $O(\delta))$ of the eccentricity terrain of a $\delta$-hyperbolic graph.

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