Emergent Mind

Resource-Frugal Classification and Analysis of Pathology Slides Using Image Entropy

Published Feb 16, 2020 in eess.IV and cs.CV


Pathology slides of lung malignancies are classified using resource-frugal convolution neural networks (CNNs) that may be deployed on mobile devices. In particular, the challenging task of distinguishing adenocarcinoma (LUAD) and squamous-cell carcinoma (LUSC) lung cancer subtypes is approached in two stages. First, whole-slide histopathology images are downsampled to a size too large for CNN analysis but large enough to retain key anatomic detail. The downsampled images are decomposed into smaller square tiles, which are sifted based on their image entropies. A lightweight CNN produces tile-level classifications that are aggregated to classify the slide. The resulting accuracies are comparable to those obtained with much more complex CNNs and larger training sets. To allow clinicians to visually assess the basis for the classification -- that is, to see the image regions that underlie it -- color-coded probability maps are created by overlapping tiles and averaging the tile-level probabilities at a pixel level.

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