Emergent Mind

Fast Convergence for Langevin Diffusion with Manifold Structure

Published Feb 13, 2020 in math.PR , cs.DS , cs.LG , and stat.ML


In this paper, we study the problem of sampling from distributions of the form p(x) \propto e{-\beta f(x)} for some function f whose values and gradients we can query. This mode of access to f is natural in the scenarios in which such problems arise, for instance sampling from posteriors in parametric Bayesian models. Classical results show that a natural random walk, Langevin diffusion, mixes rapidly when f is convex. Unfortunately, even in simple examples, the applications listed above will entail working with functions f that are nonconvex -- for which sampling from p may in general require an exponential number of queries. In this paper, we focus on an aspect of nonconvexity relevant for modern machine learning applications: existence of invariances (symmetries) in the function f, as a result of which the distribution p will have manifolds of points with equal probability. First, we give a recipe for proving mixing time bounds for Langevin diffusion as a function of the geometry of these manifolds. Second, we specialize our arguments to classic matrix factorization-like Bayesian inference problems where we get noisy measurements A(XXT), X \in R{d \times k} of a low-rank matrix, i.e. f(X) = |A(XXT) - b|2_2, X \in R{d \times k}, and \beta the inverse of the variance of the noise. Such functions f are invariant under orthogonal transformations, and include problems like matrix factorization, sensing, completion. Beyond sampling, Langevin dynamics is a popular toy model for studying stochastic gradient descent. Along these lines, we believe that our work is an important first step towards understanding how SGD behaves when there is a high degree of symmetry in the space of parameters the produce the same output.

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