Emergent Mind

Bi-objective Optimization of Biclustering with Binary Data

Published Feb 9, 2020 in cs.AI , cs.DM , math.CO , and math.OC


Clustering consists of partitioning data objects into subsets called clusters according to some similarity criteria. This paper addresses a generalization called quasi-clustering that allows overlapping of clusters, and which we link to biclustering. Biclustering simultaneously groups the objects and features so that a specific group of objects has a special group of features. In recent years, biclustering has received a lot of attention in several practical applications. In this paper we consider a bi-objective optimization of biclustering problem with binary data. First we present an integer programing formulations for the bi-objective optimization biclustering. Next we propose a constructive heuristic based on the set intersection operation and its efficient implementation for solving a series of mono-objective problems used inside the Epsilon-constraint method (obtained by keeping only one objective function and the other objective function is integrated into constraints). Finally, our experimental results show that using CPLEX solver as an exact algorithm for finding an optimal solution drastically increases the computational cost for large instances, while our proposed heuristic provides very good results and significantly reduces the computational expense.

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