Emergent Mind


In many real-world tasks, multiple agents must learn to coordinate with each other given their private observations and limited communication ability. Deep multiagent reinforcement learning (Deep-MARL) algorithms have shown superior performance in such challenging settings. One representative class of work is multiagent value decomposition, which decomposes the global shared multiagent Q-value $Q{tot}$ into individual Q-values $Q{i}$ to guide individuals' behaviors, i.e. VDN imposing an additive formation and QMIX adopting a monotonic assumption using an implicit mixing method. However, most of the previous efforts impose certain assumptions between $Q{tot}$ and $Q{i}$ and lack theoretical groundings. Besides, they do not explicitly consider the agent-level impact of individuals to the whole system when transforming individual $Q{i}$s into $Q{tot}$. In this paper, we theoretically derive a general formula of $Q{tot}$ in terms of $Q{i}$, based on which we can naturally implement a multi-head attention formation to approximate $Q{tot}$, resulting in not only a refined representation of $Q{tot}$ with an agent-level attention mechanism, but also a tractable maximization algorithm of decentralized policies. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art MARL methods on the widely adopted StarCraft benchmark across different scenarios, and attention analysis is further conducted with valuable insights.

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