Emergent Mind


Community detection plays a key role in understanding graph structure. However, several recent studies showed that community detection is vulnerable to adversarial structural perturbation. In particular, via adding or removing a small number of carefully selected edges in a graph, an attacker can manipulate the detected communities. However, to the best of our knowledge, there are no studies on certifying robustness of community detection against such adversarial structural perturbation. In this work, we aim to bridge this gap. Specifically, we develop the first certified robustness guarantee of community detection against adversarial structural perturbation. Given an arbitrary community detection method, we build a new smoothed community detection method via randomly perturbing the graph structure. We theoretically show that the smoothed community detection method provably groups a given arbitrary set of nodes into the same community (or different communities) when the number of edges added/removed by an attacker is bounded. Moreover, we show that our certified robustness is tight. We also empirically evaluate our method on multiple real-world graphs with ground truth communities.

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