Emergent Mind


Building a surrogate model of an objective function has shown to be effective to assist evolutionary algorithms (EAs) to solve real-world complex optimisation problems which involve either computationally expensive numerical simulations or costly physical experiments. However, their effectiveness mostly focuses on small-scale problems with less than 10 decision variables. The scalability of surrogate assisted EAs (SAEAs) have not been well studied yet. In this paper, we propose a Gaussian process surrogate model assisted EA for medium-scale expensive multi-objective optimisation problems with up to 50 decision variables. There are three distinctive features of our proposed SAEA. First, instead of using all decision variables in surrogate model building, we only use those correlated ones to build the surrogate model for each objective function. Second, rather than directly optimising the surrogate objective functions, the original multi-objective optimisation problem is transformed to a new one based on the surrogate models. Last but not the least, a subset selection method is developed to choose a couple of promising candidate solutions for actual objective function evaluations thus to update the training dataset. The effectiveness of our proposed algorithm is validated on benchmark problems with 10, 20, 50 variables, comparing with three state-of-the-art SAEAs.

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