Emergent Mind

An Adaptation for Iterative Structured Matrix Completion

Published Feb 5, 2020 in math.NA and cs.NA


The task of predicting missing entries of a matrix, from a subset of known entries, is known as \textit{matrix completion}. In today's data-driven world, data completion is essential whether it is the main goal or a pre-processing step. Structured matrix completion includes any setting in which data is not missing uniformly at random. In recent work, a modification to the standard nuclear norm minimization (NNM) for matrix completion has been developed to take into account \emph{sparsity-based} structure in the missing entries. This notion of structure is motivated in many settings including recommender systems, where the probability that an entry is observed depends on the value of the entry. We propose adjusting an Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares (IRLS) algorithm for low-rank matrix completion to take into account sparsity-based structure in the missing entries. We also present an iterative gradient-projection-based implementation of the algorithm that can handle large-scale matrices. Finally, we present a robust array of numerical experiments on matrices of varying sizes, ranks, and level of structure. We show that our proposed method is comparable with the adjusted NNM on small-sized matrices, and often outperforms the IRLS algorithm in structured settings on matrices up to size $1000 \times 1000$.

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