Emergent Mind

Integrated Photonic FFT for Optical Convolutions towards Efficient and High-Speed Neural Networks

Published Feb 1, 2020 in physics.optics , cond-mat.dis-nn , and cs.ET


The technologically-relevant task of feature extraction from data performed in deep-learning systems is routinely accomplished as repeated fast Fourier transforms (FFT) electronically in prevalent domain-specific architectures such as in graphics processing units (GPUs). However, electronics systems are limited with respect to power dissipation and delay, both, due to wire-charging challenges related to interconnect capacitance. Here we present a silicon photonics-based architecture for convolutional neural networks that harnesses the phase property of light to perform FFTs efficiently by executing the convolution as a multiplication in the Fourier-domain. The algorithmic executing time is determined by the time-of-flight of the signal through this photonic reconfigurable passive FFT filter circuit and is on the order of 10s of picosecond. A sensitivity analysis shows that this optical processor must be thermally phase stabilized corresponding to a few degrees. Furthermore, we find that for a small sample number, the obtainable number of convolutions per {time-power-chip area) outperforms GPUs by about 2 orders of magnitude. Lastly, we show that, conceptually, the optical FFT and convolution-processing performance is indeed directly linked to optoelectronic device-level, and improvements in plasmonics, metamaterials or nanophotonics are fueling next generation densely interconnected intelligent photonic circuits with relevance for edge-computing 5G networks.

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