Emergent Mind

Selective Segmentation Networks Using Top-Down Attention

Published Feb 4, 2020 in cs.CV


Convolutional neural networks model the transformation of the input sensory data at the bottom of a network hierarchy to the semantic information at the top of the visual hierarchy. Feedforward processing is sufficient for some object recognition tasks. Top-Down selection is potentially required in addition to the Bottom-Up feedforward pass. It can, in part, address the shortcoming of the loss of location information imposed by the hierarchical feature pyramids. We propose a unified 2-pass framework for object segmentation that augments Bottom-Up \convnets with a Top-Down selection network. We utilize the top-down selection gating activities to modulate the bottom-up hidden activities for segmentation predictions. We develop an end-to-end multi-task framework with loss terms satisfying task requirements at the two ends of the network. We evaluate the proposed network on benchmark datasets for semantic segmentation, and show that networks with the Top-Down selection capability outperform the baseline model. Additionally, we shed light on the superior aspects of the new segmentation paradigm and qualitatively and quantitatively support the efficiency of the novel framework over the baseline model that relies purely on parametric skip connections.

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