Emergent Mind

Towards Brain-Computer Interfaces for Drone Swarm Control

Published Feb 3, 2020 in cs.NE and eess.SP


Noninvasive brain-computer interface (BCI) decodes brain signals to understand user intention. Recent advances have been developed for the BCI-based drone control system as the demand for drone control increases. Especially, drone swarm control based on brain signals could provide various industries such as military service or industry disaster. This paper presents a prototype of a brain swarm interface system for a variety of scenarios using a visual imagery paradigm. We designed the experimental environment that could acquire brain signals under a drone swarm control simulator environment. Through the system, we collected the electroencephalogram (EEG) signals with respect to four different scenarios. Seven subjects participated in our experiment and evaluated classification performances using the basic machine learning algorithm. The grand average classification accuracy is higher than the chance level accuracy. Hence, we could confirm the feasibility of the drone swarm control system based on EEG signals for performing high-level tasks.

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