Emergent Mind


This research project aimed to overcome the challenge of analysing human language relationships, facilitate the grouping of languages and formation of genealogical relationship between them by developing automated comparison techniques. Techniques were based on the phonetic representation of certain key words and concept. Example word sets included numbers 1-10 (curated), large database of numbers 1-10 and sheep counting numbers 1-10 (other sources), colours (curated), basic words (curated). To enable comparison within the sets the measure of Edit distance was calculated based on Levenshtein distance metric. This metric between two strings is the minimum number of single-character edits, operations including: insertions, deletions or substitutions. To explore which words exhibit more or less variation, which words are more preserved and examine how languages could be grouped based on linguistic distances within sets, several data analytics techniques were involved. Those included density evaluation, hierarchical clustering, silhouette, mean, standard deviation and Bhattacharya coefficient calculations. These techniques lead to the development of a workflow which was later implemented by combining Unix shell scripts, a developed R package and SWI Prolog. This proved to be computationally efficient and permitted the fast exploration of large language sets and their analysis.

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