Emergent Mind

Universal Algebraic Controllers and System Identification

Published Jan 29, 2020 in math.NA , cs.NA , cs.SY , eess.SY , math.OA , and math.OC


In this document, some structured operator approximation theoretical methods for system identification of nearly eventually periodic systems, are presented. Let $\mathbb{C}{n\times m}$ denote the algebra of $n\times m$ complex matrices. Given $\varepsilon>0$, an arbitrary discrete-time dynamical system $(\Sigma,\mathcal{T})$ with state-space $\Sigma$ contained in the finite dimensional Hilbert space $\mathbb{C}n$, whose state-transition map $\mathcal{T}:\Sigma\times ([0,\infty)\cap \mathbb{Z})\to \Sigma$ is unknown or partially known, and needs to be determined based on some sampled data in a finite set $\hat{\Sigma}={xt}{1\leq t\leq m}\subset \Sigma$ according to the rule $\mathcal{T}(xt,1)=x{t+1}$ for each $1\leq t\leq m-1$, and given $x\in \hat{\Sigma}$. We study the solvability of the existence problems for two triples $(p,A,\varphi)$ and $(p,A\eta,\Phi)$ determined by a polynomial $p\in \mathbb{C}[z]$ with $\deg(p)\leq m$, a matrix root $A\in\mathbb{C}{m\times m}$ and an approximate matrix root $A\eta\in\mathbb{C}{r\times r}$ of $p(z)=0$ with $r\leq m$, two completely positive linear multiplicative maps $\varphi:\mathbb{C}{m\times m}\to \mathbb{C}{n\times n}$ and $\Phi:\mathbb{C}{r\times r}\to \mathbb{C}{n\times n}$, such that $|\mathcal{T}(x,t)-\varphi(At)x|\leq\varepsilon$ and $|\Phi(A_\etat)x-\varphi(At)x|\leq\varepsilon$, for each integer $t\geq 1$ such that $|\mathcal{T}(x,t)-y|\leq \varepsilon$ for some $y\in \hat{\Sigma}$. Some numerical implementations of these techniques for the reduced-order predictive simulation of dynamical systems in continuum and quantum mechanics, are outlined.

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