Emergent Mind


We here adapt an extended version of the adaptive cubic regularisation method with dynamic inexact Hessian information for nonconvex optimisation in [3] to the stochastic optimisation setting. While exact function evaluations are still considered, this novel variant inherits the innovative use of adaptive accuracy requirements for Hessian approximations introduced in [3] and additionally employs inexact computations of the gradient. Without restrictions on the variance of the errors, we assume that these approximations are available within a sufficiently large, but fixed, probability and we extend, in the spirit of [18], the deterministic analysis of the framework to its stochastic counterpart, showing that the expected number of iterations to reach a first-order stationary point matches the well known worst-case optimal complexity. This is, in fact, still given by O(epsilon-3/2), with respect to the first-order epsilon tolerance. Finally, numerical tests on nonconvex finite-sum minimisation confirm that using inexact first and second-order derivatives can be beneficial in terms of the computational savings.

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