Emergent Mind

Bringing Stories Alive: Generating Interactive Fiction Worlds

Published Jan 28, 2020 in cs.AI and cs.CL


World building forms the foundation of any task that requires narrative intelligence. In this work, we focus on procedurally generating interactive fiction worldstext-based worlds that players "see" and "talk to" using natural language. Generating these worlds requires referencing everyday and thematic commonsense priors in addition to being semantically consistent, interesting, and coherent throughout. Using existing story plots as inspiration, we present a method that first extracts a partial knowledge graph encoding basic information regarding world structure such as locations and objects. This knowledge graph is then automatically completed utilizing thematic knowledge and used to guide a neural language generation model that fleshes out the rest of the world. We perform human participant-based evaluations, testing our neural model's ability to extract and fill-in a knowledge graph and to generate language conditioned on it against rule-based and human-made baselines. Our code is available at https://github.com/rajammanabrolu/WorldGeneration.

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