Emergent Mind

Ten Social Dimensions of Conversations and Relationships

Published Jan 27, 2020 in cs.CY


Decades of social science research identified ten fundamental dimensions that provide the conceptual building blocks to describe the nature of human relationships. Yet, it is not clear to what extent these concepts are expressed in everyday language and what role they have in shaping observable dynamics of social interactions. After annotating conversational text through crowdsourcing, we trained NLP tools to detect the presence of these types of interaction from conversations, and applied them to 160M messages written by geo-referenced Reddit users, 290k emails from the Enron corpus and 300k lines of dialogue from movie scripts. We show that social dimensions can be predicted purely from conversations with an AUC up to 0.98, and that the combination of the predicted dimensions suggests both the types of relationships people entertain (conflict vs. support) and the types of real-world communities (wealthy vs. deprived) they shape.

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