Emergent Mind

Weakly Supervised Learning Meets Ride-Sharing User Experience Enhancement

Published Jan 19, 2020 in cs.LG and stat.ML


Weakly supervised learning aims at coping with scarce labeled data. Previous weakly supervised studies typically assume that there is only one kind of weak supervision in data. In many applications, however, raw data usually contains more than one kind of weak supervision at the same time. For example, in user experience enhancement from Didi, one of the largest online ride-sharing platforms, the ride comment data contains severe label noise (due to the subjective factors of passengers) and severe label distribution bias (due to the sampling bias). We call such a problem as "compound weakly supervised learning". In this paper, we propose the CWSL method to address this problem based on Didi ride-sharing comment data. Specifically, an instance reweighting strategy is employed to cope with severe label noise in comment data, where the weights for harmful noisy instances are small. Robust criteria like AUC rather than accuracy and the validation performance are optimized for the correction of biased data label. Alternating optimization and stochastic gradient methods accelerate the optimization on large-scale data. Experiments on Didi ride-sharing comment data clearly validate the effectiveness. We hope this work may shed some light on applying weakly supervised learning to complex real situations.

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