Emergent Mind

Iterated Type Partitions

Published Jan 22, 2020 in cs.CC , cs.DM , and math.CO


This paper deals with the complexity of some natural graph problems when parametrized by {measures that are restrictions of} clique-width, such as modular-width and neighborhood diversity. The main contribution of this paper is to introduce a novel parameter, called iterated type partition, that can be computed in polynomial time and nicely places between modular-width and neighborhood diversity. We prove that the Equitable Coloring problem is W[1]-hard when parametrized by the iterated type partition. This result extends to modular-width, answering an open question about the possibility to have FPT algorithms for Equitable Coloring when parametrized by modular-width. Moreover, we show that the Equitable Coloring problem is instead FTP when parameterized by neighborhood diversity. Furthermore, we present simple and fast FPT algorithms parameterized by iterated type partition that provide optimal solutions for several graph problems; in particular, this paper presents algorithms for the Dominating Set, the Vertex Coloring and the Vertex Cover problems. While the above problems are already known to be FPT with respect to modular-width, the novel algorithms are both simpler and more efficient: For the Dominating set and Vertex Cover problems, our algorithms output an optimal set in time $O(2t+poly(n))$, while for the Vertex Coloring problem, our algorithm outputs an optimal set in time $O(t{2.5t+o(t)}\log n+poly(n))$, where $n$ and $t$ are the size and the iterated type partition of the input graph, respectively.

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