Emergent Mind

Enabling optimal access and error correction for the repair of Reed-Solomon codes

Published Jan 20, 2020 in cs.IT and math.IT


Recently Reed-Solomon (RS) codes were shown to possess a repair scheme that supports repair of failed nodes with optimal repair bandwidth. In this paper, we extend this result in two directions. First, we propose a new repair scheme for the RS codes constructed in [Tamo-Ye-Barg, {\em IEEE Transactions on Information Theory}, vol. 65, May 2019] and show that our new scheme is robust to erroneous information provided by the helper nodes while maintaining the optimal repair bandwidth. Second, we construct a new family of RS codes with optimal access for the repair of any single failed node. We also show that the constructed codes can accommodate both features, supporting optimal-access repair with optimal error-correction capability. Going beyond RS codes, we also prove that any scalar MDS code with optimal repair bandwidth allows for a repair scheme with optimal access property.

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