Emergent Mind

Graph Ordering: Towards the Optimal by Learning

Published Jan 18, 2020 in cs.SI , cs.AI , and cs.LG


Graph representation learning has achieved a remarkable success in many graph-based applications, such as node classification, link prediction, and community detection. These models are usually designed to preserve the vertex information at different granularity and reduce the problems in discrete space to some machine learning tasks in continuous space. However, regardless of the fruitful progress, for some kind of graph applications, such as graph compression and edge partition, it is very hard to reduce them to some graph representation learning tasks. Moreover, these problems are closely related to reformulating a global layout for a specific graph, which is an important NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem: graph ordering. In this paper, we propose to attack the graph ordering problem behind such applications by a novel learning approach. Distinguished from greedy algorithms based on predefined heuristics, we propose a neural network model: Deep Order Network (DON) to capture the hidden locality structure from partial vertex order sets. Supervised by sampled partial order, DON has the ability to infer unseen combinations. Furthermore, to alleviate the combinatorial explosion in the training space of DON and make the efficient partial vertex order sampling , we employ a reinforcement learning model: the Policy Network, to adjust the partial order sampling probabilities during the training phase of DON automatically. To this end, the Policy Network can improve the training efficiency and guide DON to evolve towards a more effective model automatically. Comprehensive experiments on both synthetic and real data validate that DON-RL outperforms the current state-of-the-art heuristic algorithm consistently. Two case studies on graph compression and edge partitioning demonstrate the potential power of DON-RL in real applications.

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