Emergent Mind


This paper considers the final approach phase of visual-closed-loop grasping where the RGB-D camera is no longer able to provide valid depth information. Many current robotic grasping controllers are not closed-loop and therefore fail for moving objects. Closed-loop grasp controllers based on RGB-D imagery can track a moving object, but fail when the sensor's minimum object distance is violated just before grasping. To overcome this we propose the use of image-based visual servoing (IBVS) to guide the robot to the object-relative grasp pose using camera RGB information. IBVS robustly moves the camera to a goal pose defined implicitly in terms of an image-plane feature configuration. In this work, the goal image feature coordinates are predicted from RGB-D data to enable RGB-only tracking once depth data becomes unavailable -- this enables more reliable grasping of previously unseen moving objects. Experimental results are provided.

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