Emergent Mind

Feedback Channel Communication with Low Precision Arithmetic

Published Jan 12, 2020 in cs.IT and math.IT


The problem of communicating over an additive white Gaussian noise channel with feedback, using low precision arithmetic, is considered. The Schalkwijk-Kailath (SK) scheme is known to achieve an error probability that decays double exponentially in the number of interaction rounds, for any rate below channel capacity. However, SK is also known to suffer from numerical issues. Transmission close to channel capacity requires a moderate number of interaction rounds. This may lead to a huge constellation size. Furthermore, the internal variables of the scheme decay to zero exponentially fast. As a result, the SK scheme fails when implemented with low precision variables, which are widely used in hardware implementations. In this work we propose a new, modified scheme termed Zoom-in SK (ZSK), which breaks the SK protocol into several stages. Each stage comprises several SK iterations followed by a synchronized zoom step. The zoom-in allows the receiver and transmitter to keep the scheme's parameters relatively large such that low precision arithmetic can be used even for a large rate or a large number of interaction rounds. We prove that the new scheme achieves approximately the same error probability as SK while not suffering from numerical issues. We further verify our results in simulation and compare ZSK to the original SK scheme.

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