Emergent Mind

An ADMM-LAP method for total variation myopic deconvolution of adaptive optics retinal images

Published Jan 4, 2020 in math.OC , cs.NA , and math.NA


Adaptive optics (AO) corrected ood imaging of the retina is a popular technique for studying the retinal structure and function in the living eye. However, the raw retinal images are usually of poor contrast and the interpretation of such images requires image deconvolution. Different from standard deconvolution problems where the point spread function (PSF) is completely known, the PSF in these retinal imaging problems is only partially known which leads to the more complicated myopic (mildly blind) deconvolution problem. In this paper, we propose an efficient numerical scheme for solving this myopic deconvolution problem with total variational (TV) regularization. First, we apply the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) to tackle the TV regularizer. Specifically, we reformulate the TV problem as an equivalent equality constrained problem where the objective function is separable, and then minimize the augmented Lagrangian function by alternating between two (separated) blocks of unknowns to obtain the solution. Due to the structure of the retinal images, the subproblems with respect to the fidelity term appearing within each ADMM iteration are tightly coupled and a variation of the Linearize And Project (LAP) method is designed to solve these subproblems efficiently. The proposed method is called the ADMM-LAP method. Theoretically, we establish the subsequence convergence of the ADMM-LAP method to a stationary point. Both the theoretical complexity analysis and numerical results are provided to demonstrate the efficiency of the ADMM-LAP method.

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