Emergent Mind


The most concentrated application of lower-limb rehabilitation exoskeleton (LLE) robot is that it can help paraplegics "re-walk". However, "walking" in daily life is more than just walking on flat ground with fixed gait. This paper focuses on variable gaits generation for LLE robot to adapt complex walking environment. Different from traditional gaits generator for biped robot, the generated gaits for LLEs should be comfortable to patients. Inspired by the pose graph optimization algorithm in SLAM, we propose a graph-based gait generation algorithm called gait graph optimization (GGO) to generate variable, functional and comfortable gaits from one base gait collected from healthy individuals to adapt the walking environment. Variants of walking problem, e.g., stride adjustment, obstacle avoidance, and stair ascent and descent, help verify the proposed approach in simulation and experimentation. We open source our implementation.

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