Emergent Mind

Worst-Case Optimal Radix Triejoin

Published Dec 29, 2019 in cs.DB and cs.DS


Relatively recently, the field of join processing has been swayed by the discovery of a new class of multi-way join algorithms. The new algorithms join multiple relations simultaneously rather than perform a series of pairwise joins. The new join algorithms satisfy stronger worst-case runtime complexity guarantees than any of the existing approaches based on pairwise joins -- they are worst-case optimal in data complexity. These research efforts have resulted in a flurry of papers documenting theoretical and some practical contributions. However, there is still the quest of making the new worst-case optimal join algorithms truly practical in terms of (1) ease of implementation and (2) secondary index efficiency in terms of number of indexes created to answer a query. In this paper, we present a simple worst-case optimal multi-way join algorithm called the radix triejoin. Radix triejoin uses a binary encoding for reducing the domain of a database. Our main technical contribution is that domain reduction allows a bit-interleaving of attribute values that gives rise to a query-independent relation representation, permitting the computation of multiple queries over the same relations worst-case optimally without having to construct additional secondary indexes. We also generalise the core algorithm to conjunctive queries with inequality constraints and provide a new proof technique for the worst-case optimal join result.

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