Emergent Mind


Person re-identification has attracted many researchers' attention for its wide application, but it is still a very challenging task because only part of the image information can be used for personnel matching. Most of current methods uses CNN to learn to embeddings that can capture semantic similarity information among data points. Many of the state-of-the-arts methods use complex network structures with multiple branches that fuse multiple features while training or testing, using classification loss, Triplet loss or a combination of the two as loss function. However, the method that using Triplet loss as loss function converges slowly, and the method in which pull features of the same class as close as possible in features space leads to poor feature stability. This paper will combine the ranking motivated structured loss, proposed a new metric learning loss function that make the features of the same class are sparsely distributed into the range of small hyperspheres and the features of different classes are uniformly distributed at a clearly angle. And adopted a new single-branch network structure that only using global feature can also get great performance. The validity of our method is verified on the Market1501 and DukeMTMC-ReID person re-identification datasets. Finally acquires 90.9% rank-1 accuracy and 80.8% mAP on DukeMTMC-reID, 95.3% rank-1 accuracy and 88.7% mAP on Market1501. Codes and models are available in Github.https://github.com/Qidian213/Ranked_Person_ReID.

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