Emergent Mind

Manipulation Planning and Control for Shelf Replenishment

Published Dec 23, 2019 in cs.RO


Manipulation planning and control are relevant building blocks of a robotic system and their tight integration is a key factor to improve robot autonomy and allows robots to perform manipulation tasks of increasing complexity, such as those needed in the in-store logistics domain. Supermarkets contain a large variety of objects to be placed on the shelf layers with specific constraints, doing this with a robot is a challenge and requires a high dexterity. However, an integration of reactive grasping control and motion planning can allow robots to perform such tasks even with grippers with limited dexterity. The main contribution of the paper is a novel method for planning manipulation tasks to be executed using a reactive control layer that provides more control modalities, i.e., slipping avoidance and controlled sliding. Experiments with a new force/tactile sensor equipping the gripper of a mobile manipulator show that the approach allows the robot to successfully perform manipulation tasks unfeasible with a standard fixed grasp.

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