Emergent Mind


The adoption of Semantic Web technologies, and in particular the Open Data initiative, has contributed to the steady growth of the number of datasets and triples accessible on the Web. Most commonly, queries over RDF data are evaluated over SPARQL endpoints. Recently, however, alternatives such as TPF have been proposed with the goal of shifting query processing load from the server running the SPARQL endpoint towards the client that issued the query. Although these interfaces have been evaluated against standard benchmarks and testbeds that showed their benefits over previous work in general, a fine-granular evaluation of what types of queries exploit the strengths of the different available interfaces has never been done. In this paper, we present the results of our in-depth evaluation of existing RDF interfaces. In addition, we also examine the influence of the backend on the performance of these interfaces. Using representative and diverse query loads based on the query log of a public SPARQL endpoint, we stress test the different interfaces and backends and identify their strengths and weaknesses.

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