Emergent Mind


Deep neural networks (DNNs) are shown to be susceptible to adversarial example attacks. Most existing works achieve this malicious objective by crafting subtle pixel-wise perturbations, and they are difficult to launch in the physical world due to inevitable transformations (e.g., different photographic distances and angles). Recently, there are a few research works on generating physical adversarial examples, but they generally require the details of the model a priori, which is often impractical. In this work, we propose a novel physical adversarial attack for arbitrary black-box DNN models, namely Region-Wise Attack. To be specific, we present how to efficiently search for regionwise perturbations to the inputs and determine their shapes, locations and colors via both top-down and bottom-up techniques. In addition, we introduce two fine-tuning techniques to further improve the robustness of our attack. Experimental results demonstrate the efficacy and robustness of the proposed Region-Wise Attack in real world.

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