Emergent Mind


In sequence learning tasks such as language modelling, Recurrent Neural Networks must learn relationships between input features separated by time. State of the art models such as LSTM and Transformer are trained by backpropagation of losses into prior hidden states and inputs held in memory. This allows gradients to flow from present to past and effectively learn with perfect hindsight, but at a significant memory cost. In this paper we show that it is possible to train high performance recurrent networks using information that is local in time, and thereby achieve a significantly reduced memory footprint. We describe a predictive autoencoder called bRSM featuring recurrent connections, sparse activations, and a boosting rule for improved cell utilization. The architecture demonstrates near optimal performance on a non-deterministic (stochastic) partially-observable sequence learning task consisting of high-Markov-order sequences of MNIST digits. We find that this model learns these sequences faster and more completely than an LSTM, and offer several possible explanations why the LSTM architecture might struggle with the partially observable sequence structure in this task. We also apply our model to a next word prediction task on the Penn Treebank (PTB) dataset. We show that a 'flattened' RSM network, when paired with a modern semantic word embedding and the addition of boosting, achieves 103.5 PPL (a 20-point improvement over the best N-gram models), beating ordinary RNNs trained with BPTT and approaching the scores of early LSTM implementations. This work provides encouraging evidence that strong results on challenging tasks such as language modelling may be possible using less memory intensive, biologically-plausible training regimes.

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