Emergent Mind

Noisy, Greedy and Not So Greedy k-means++

Published Dec 2, 2019 in cs.DS and cs.LG


The k-means++ algorithm due to Arthur and Vassilvitskii has become the most popular seeding method for Lloyd's algorithm. It samples the first center uniformly at random from the data set and the other $k-1$ centers iteratively according to $D2$-sampling where the probability that a data point becomes the next center is proportional to its squared distance to the closest center chosen so far. k-means++ is known to achieve an approximation factor of $O(\log k)$ in expectation. Already in the original paper on k-means++, Arthur and Vassilvitskii suggested a variation called greedy k-means++ algorithm in which in each iteration multiple possible centers are sampled according to $D2$-sampling and only the one that decreases the objective the most is chosen as a center for that iteration. It is stated as an open question whether this also leads to an $O(\log k)$-approximation (or even better). We show that this is not the case by presenting a family of instances on which greedy k-means++ yields only an $\Omega(\ell\cdot \log k)$-approximation in expectation where $\ell$ is the number of possible centers that are sampled in each iteration. We also study a variation, which we call noisy k-means++ algorithm. In this variation only one center is sampled in every iteration but not exactly by $D2$-sampling anymore. Instead in each iteration an adversary is allowed to change the probabilities arising from $D2$-sampling individually for each point by a factor between $1-\epsilon1$ and $1+\epsilon2$ for parameters $\epsilon1 \in [0,1)$ and $\epsilon2 \ge 0$. We prove that noisy k-means++ compute an $O(\log2 k)$-approximation in expectation. We also discuss some applications of this result.

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