Emergent Mind

Dynamically Provisioning Cray DataWarp Storage

Published Nov 27, 2019 in cs.DC and cs.PF


Complex applications and workflows needs are often exclusively expressed in terms of computational resources on HPC systems. In many cases, other resources like storage or network are not allocatable and are shared across the entire HPC system. By looking at the storage resource in particular, any workflow or application should be able to select both its preferred data manager and its required storage capability or capacity. To achieve such a goal, new mechanisms should be introduced. In this work, we introduce such a mechanism for dynamically provision a data management system on top of storage devices. We particularly focus our effort on deploying a BeeGFS instance across multiple DataWarp nodes on a Cray XC50 system. However, we also demonstrate that the same mechanism can be used to deploy BeeGFS on non-Cray system.

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