Emergent Mind

Matrix Completion using Kronecker Product Approximation

Published Nov 26, 2019 in stat.ML , cs.LG , and stat.ME


A matrix completion problem is to recover the missing entries in a partially observed matrix. Most of the existing matrix completion methods assume a low rank structure of the underlying complete matrix. In this paper, we introduce an alternative and more general form of the underlying complete matrix, which assumes a low Kronecker rank instead of a low regular rank, but includes the latter as a special case. The extra flexibility allows for a much more parsimonious representation of the underlying matrix, but also raises the challenge of determining the proper Kronecker product configuration to be used. We find that the configuration can be identified using the mean squared error criterion as well as a modified cross-validation criterion. We establish the consistency of this procedure under suitable conditions on the signal-to-noise ratio. A aggregation procedure is also proposed to deal with special missing patterns and complex underlying structures. Both numerical and empirical studies are carried out to demonstrate the performance of the new method.

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